A Day of Firsts





There are a bunch of firsts going on in my life right now. Most important of them is the first day of school. This summer has gone by so incredibly fast and I’m sad to see it over. But both kids were super excited this morning; smiles all around.

I’ve known for a few years that this would be my last summer as a stay at home mom. It was important to me and Tim that I stayed home with the kids at least until Sarah was in first grade. I feel so fortunate that even after our divorce I had the ability to do just that. It’s been an amazing 8 years being with my kids, full of highs and lows, laughter and tears. Now that they are both in school full time, it’s time for me to figure out what I want to do, and how I’m going to support my family.  I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it here, but I have a masters in Art History. I finished my thesis and was pregnant with Daniel the next day (not literally) so I never started my career. That was 9 years ago and of course my interested have changed and I no longer feel any real connection to the art world. Maybe one day again I will, for now I want to do something different. I’ve always had a passion for skin care and I’m at the point now where I’m making all my own skin care products, save for sunscreen. The natural next step has lead me to want to becoming an esthetician. I started my program last week and it is full time for about 4 months. So if you’ve been wondering where the heck I am…I’m in beauty school and loving it. I’m not sure how this blog plays into my life right now. I know I still want a presence here but I still haven’t figured out a schedule for posts. So please bear with me while I begin the next chapter in my life.



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