Backyard Summer Camp Series – Weaving


I have seen fabulous woven wall hangings for months now on Pinterest and there are a bunch of great tutorials out there that have inspired me. A few weeks ago the kids and I sat in the backyard for a bit of weaving. I set up both kids with a small loom made of cardboard and a pile of yarn scraps and roving. Daniel really seemed to enjoy the process and was able to finish his little tapestry on his own. Sarah, on the other hand, became bored more quickly so I worked on it with her. They both turned out so sweet and I’m proud to hand them on my wall. And the best part? Daniel asked if I could show him how to use the sewing machine! Love that. I haven’t taken out the machine all summer but looks like this week I will.



With thoughts of weaving still on my mind, this past weekend I set out to make my own wall hanging. I wanted to bring in an element of nature so instead of wool, I used twigs collected from the yard. I think it turned out quite well and I love the look of all three together. Weaving is just as meditative for me as knitting so I see more projects in the future.



Linking up with Frontier Dreams Keep Calm Craft On

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